Justa Beach - Ubatuba(SP)

Situated in the city center of Ubatuba is one of the most visited beaches during the summer. It has a well organized boardwalk, preserved trees and a large trade. With a blackened strip of sand, calm and dark blue water you can see the fishing boats anchored at sea. Stalls selling coconut and other kiosks, and trade with restaurants, coffee shops, pizzerias, hotels, other establishments and the beautiful Rua Guarani are found in Leovigildo Dias Vieira Avenue. There is also a small square with benches and small trees to rest. The Acaraú river waters pass inside the city and flow into the sea. Often the bike wandering people and families take the children to play in playgrounds near beach. The famous Ubatuba Aquarium is located at the Guarani Street and get thousands of people in search of biodiversity of marine species. Another attraction of the beach is the existence of different starting points schooners for visiting islands such as Anchieta and Prumirim and an ancient estuary of the Quayside. Itaguá

Site: https://www.ubatuba.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 12
Praia Justa / Oiapoque
Praia Justa / Oiapoque
Praia Justa / Oiapoque
Praia Justa / Oiapoque
Praia Justa / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Você acha uma praia segura para crianças?

At North:
Praia do Ubatumirim
tempo 2 km/h
At South:
Praia de Surutuba
29º Moisture

Situated in the city center of Ubatuba is one of the most visited beaches during the summer. It has a well organized boardwalk, preserved trees and a large trade. With a blackened strip of sand, calm and dark blue water you can see the fishing boats anchored at sea. Stalls selling coconut and other kiosks, and trade with restaurants, coffee shops, pizzerias, hotels, other establishments and the beautiful Rua Guarani are found in Leovigildo Dias Vieira Avenue. There is also a small square with benches and small trees to rest. The Acaraú river waters pass inside the city and flow into the sea. Often the bike wandering people and families take the children to play in playgrounds near beach. The famous Ubatuba Aquarium is located at the Guarani Street and get thousands of people in search of biodiversity of marine species. Another attraction of the beach is the existence of different starting points schooners for visiting islands such as Anchieta and Prumirim and an ancient estuary of the Quayside. Itaguá

Site: https://www.ubatuba.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 12

Ubatuba São Sebastião Rio de Janeiro Salvador Guarujá Maceió Tibau do Sul Natal Tamandaré Maragogi Ilha de Boipeba Camaçari Bombinhas Torres Capão da Canoa